About the Airsmiles Foundation
Our Goal
What does the 'Airsmiles Foundation' do?
Our foundation provides 6 to 17 year-old children who are incurably ill or have a handicap with the opportunity to experience a special and unforgettable adventure. Flying a plane all by themselves!! A day without worries, Illness or handicap. A day on which they can emerge themselves and be more than special. A day they will never forget! Since 2007 we have flown more than 13.500 children...
How do we do it?
It's unbelievable what the volunteers of the Airsmiles Foundation can do. We fly children, all year long, from every airfield or airstrip in The Netherlands. Pilots, mostly professionals, give up their free time, and make their planes and helicopters available ... Just to make these kids happy for one day! Our motto is: Be special, be inspired, and be flown by yourself!
More than 15 times a year we organise a Big Airsmiles day, where we make sure all the kids have a lovely day. You will find everything you can possibly imagine there: police cars, trucks, fire trucks, sport cars...etc. And, best of all choppers, jets , (commercial) aeroplanes ..etc.
In addition to the 'Big Airsmiles days' the foundation also organises 'Individual Airsmiles days'.
We have a (fully automated) programme on our site, which children can sign up for. Every child will be matched to a pilot who flies from an airport in the neighbourhood. That's how the 'Airsmiles Foundation' can fly with every child, every day, throughout the Netherlands!
What's the result?
A great adventure, with a highlight of 30 to 45 minutes of flying. In most cases there's room to bring a sister, brother, relative, parent or supervisor. Conditions permitting - with, most importantly, good weather - the kid will fly that bird all on his/her own!!!
- 2024, 693 (531 on Big Airsmiles days, 162 on individual days)
- 2023, 830 (700 on Big Airsmiles days, 130 on individual days)
- 2022, 777 (526 on Big Airsmiles days, 251 on individual days)
- 2021, 327 (169 on Small Airsmiles days (because of Corona), 158 on individual days)
- 2020, 203 (99 on Small Airsmiles days (because of Corona), 104 on individual days)
- 2019, 668 (449 on Big Airsmiles days, 219 on individual days)
- 2018, 900 (760 on Big Airsmiles days, 160 on individual days)
- 2017, 527 (409 on Big Airsmiles days, 118 on individual days)
- 2016, 750 (559 on Big Airsmiles days, 191 on individual days)
- 2015 682 (474 on Big Airsmiles days, 208 on individual days)
- 2014 935 (750 on Big Airsmiles days, 185 on individual days)
- 2013 851 (711 on Big Airsmiles days, 140 on individual days)
- 2012 884 (761 on Big Airsmiles days, 123 on individual days)
- 2011 1.217 (1.002 on Big Airsmiles days, 215 on individual days)
- 2010 1.250 (1.060 on Big Airsmiles days, 190 on individual days)
- 2009 1.340 (1.000 on Big Airsmiles days, 340 on individual days)
- 2008 620 (480 on Big Airsmiles days, 140 on individual days)
- 2007 79 (74 on Big Airsmiles days, 5 on individual days)
What do we need?
A number of children are not capable of flying the plane by themselves. There are those who have to be transported while lying or sitting in their own chair or bed.
That's why The Airsmiles Foundation bought an Ambulance plane in 2011. This way we can transport the children in a save way. The ambulance plane is always available and is recognisable as a true Highflyer aeroplane!
Our goal in is to give about 1,000 kids every year a chance to fly. In order to achieve that goal we need 200,000 to 300,000 euros on a structural basis. That is less than 250 euros per child for an indescribable adventure.